Salish Sea Greens is committed to bringing the flavor of the sea into your everyday life. Our Kelpy cuisine comes brimming with coastal nutrients. Kelp is sustainable and renewable. It improves water quality and mitigates the effects of ocean acidification. enjoy these sea greens and support keeping our oceans healthy.
Why Salish Sea Greens?
The Salish Sea was formed by ice and consists of the Puget Sound, Strait of Georgia, and Strait of Juan de Fuca. Two large and extensive glacial lobes formed the topography and waterways that we see today. The Salish Sea is rich in culture, natural resources and animal species.
The word “Salish” derives from the indigenous peoples of the northwestern US and British Columbia. We use Salish Sea in our name as a tribute to the Native namesake for these waters and the food we source from it. More than ever, it is important for us to find sustainable ways to nurture ourselves and give back to the environment, just as Native tribes have done for generations.
Our determination to incorporate healthy sea plants, such as kelp, into delicious food products that promote sustainability makes us proud to be Salish Sea Greens.
our team

Stephen Schreck
Stephen Schreck is Founder and head of Salish Sea Greens. His passion for the environment has been life long. With a degree in Aquatic and Fishery Sciences from the University of Washington, Stephen got his toes wet with Puget Sound Restoration Fund where he worked as a technician assisting with kelp, abalone and oyster restoration. As a scientific diver, Stephen was able to dive deep into the world of kelp and explore all the benefits that are provided to the environment and human health.

Brandon Rake
Brandon Rake is a Co-Founder of Salish Sea Greens. He earned a degree in Finance from the University of Notre Dame and holds a CFA designation. Brandon has several years of investment experience and spearheads the Salish Sea Greens’ business strategy and management. During his time on Bainbridge Island, Brandon has assisted local initiatives with kelp harvest and marine conservation. He is an outdoor enthusiast who shares a passion for fresh seafood and healthy eating.

Talina Wood
Talina Wood is a Co-Founder of Salish Sea Greens and its Director of Operations. With a business degree and passion for sales, Talina has decades of leadership experience in both the public & private sectors. A 4th generation Bainbridge Islander she grew up digging for clams & shucking oysters off the beach. Her family owned an oyster farm in the early 1900’s and Talina enjoys connecting to her heritage. She believes in providing sustainable seafood for future generations and in the beauty of a thriving marine ecosystem.